What They Say

what they Say

Here are some of the things that people have said about Colin and his work.

Wow, what a huge topic to condense into an hour! and what a brilliant exploration of EDI and what it means for us as coaches. Particularly enjoyed reflecting on how our personal values impact our coaching, whether working with people who are neurodiverse, people with disabilities, who are part of a minority group - or just different. Appreciated Colin bringing such a challenging topic and being so courageous in stimulating our thinking in an area difficult to navigate.
Initials C and W on a great blue background
Workshop attendee
Presentation for Association for Coaching
Thank you so much for all your time, energy and fantastic teaching, and it’s been great for him to get that exposure to the best of sporting values.
Initials C and W on a great blue background
Internationally Acclaimed Learning Expert and O.B.E.
Deciding to recommend Colin for this role is the most significant decision I have made as Chair of the Trust. After five years of negotiations and planning we were struggling to make further progress and the project had stalled. Colin is making it a success. We now have a 35-year lease and the Stadium is renamed. Colin is acting as CEO. Colin is an undoubted leader; a self-starter with excellent communications skills. Systematically deals with very complex issues, and in a calm and collected manner. He assimilated legal information and suggested solutions. Capable of dealing with a phenomenal workload. At the same time he has shown the ability to support others and motivate them to work as a team. He is very conscious of group dynamics. Colin is very approachable and sensitive to the needs of others. He is a natural coach of people and has helped to improve the performance of different members of the team, including my performance. Colin has gained the trust and respect of other stakeholders including council officials, elected members and funding organisations.
Thanks a lot. It has given me the impetus to make some simple yet significant changes.
Congratulations on being able to do such a good job and keep me completely focused for 2 hours on a skype line with jerky video!
Particularly powerful: Quick to pick up the main themes. Razor sharp in analysis yet kind in the way you intervened. You didn't let me get away with any self delusion or backsliding.
Initials C and W on a great blue background
Australian business consultancy
I can't believe how useful I have found the mentoring sessions. Colin has successfully opened up the mind of an older, jaded, cynical mentee (!) which has made me better at my job and given me a new enthusiasm to improve my practice. I have had many mentors over the years, all offering good advice, but Colin has a way of making you think out of the box and doesn’t just offer solutions but guidance on how and why you are doing or not doing certain things.
Colin made it very easy to quickly build up rapport which I found essential in order for me to get the most out of my sessions. He has always been very helpful and approachable, with an outstanding knowledge, expertise and experience I also tapped into.
Colin's non-judgemental listening skills allowed me to open up to him enabling me to learn things about myself both professionally and personally. My sessions with him are always thought- provoking and somehow he has the knack of teasing out different strategies from me to use in my problem solving. Colin makes me realise that I have the “tools” to approach problems and find solutions in many different ways.
Initials C and W on a great blue background
Premier League
Head of Coaching
Congratulations on all your considerable work for us this year. I found it to be truly impressive.
Initials C and W on a great blue background
Multi-Site Commercial Director (ret'd)
£300m budget
The last stragglers are just leaving your workshop after what has been viewed by most as a ground-breaking occasion.
Initials C and W on a great blue background
Head of Performance Analysis, UK University
Just a short letter to thank you for a fantastic day at the recent conference you put together. Along with the fascinating research presented, the venue and catering facilities made the whole event first-class. Look forward to future events.
Initials C and W on a great blue background
Conference Attendee
Thank you for the recent meeting which I found to be very interesting and productive. May I congratulate you on these workshops which are extremely helpful to me not only as a coach in my sport, but also in my development as a Sports Psychologist. Keep up the good work and I look forward to more of the same.
Initials C and W on a great blue background
Sports Psychologist and Coach
I wanted to thank you on behalf of us all, for your hard work over the last 12 months. Everyone l have spoken to has commented on how lovely it was to work with you and what a great job you have done. You have certainly made my job much easier by guiding us. Our organisation has been fortunate to be able to benefit from such an experienced and valued colleague.
Initials C and W on a great blue background
Senior National Manager
Major NGB
There are many people who have had a specific influence on me during the past 2.5 years, but none more so than Colin Wilson.
I would like to thank him publicly for being such a great friend and colleague.
Initials C and W on a great blue background
Colleague, National Charity
Congratulations Colin you have passed the Essay Assignment. This was an excellent depiction of a team coaching journey and reflected Colin’s understanding of a number of team coaching tools, techniques, and approaches which he mapped extremely well into his team coaching engagements. He evidences his understanding of how to integrate the learning from the different modules and how to create his own integrated framework in his team coaching practice. He has also evidenced that he has read and assimilated the written material in the handouts. He is reflective throughout this well-written essay and has shown how he has reflected on his own work with a team as the team coach, both individually and through using his learning group in the practicum. He has demonstrated what he has learned about himself during the journey and how he will now apply this learning with the teams he will work with in the future. Authenticity and humility shine through this work and there is a real sense of growth and confidence “I now feel able and willing to offer myself as a Team Coach with confidence, depth, and range to add to the team facilitation, training, consulting, and mentoring I have before.” Well done Colin and good luck in your journey.

Particularly powerful: Quick to pick up the main themes. Razor sharp in analysis yet kind in the way you intervened. You didn't let me get away with any self delusion or backsliding.
Initials C and W on a great blue background
Global Team Coaching Institute – Practitioner in Team Coaching, Assessor feedback business consultancy