Quick stats update…thanks Philip. Reliable and non-political evidence is now clear…we all need to wear a basic, comfortable cloth mask around other people, like is normal in many Asian countries, or in hospitals, to protect others from our breath droplets. If we do, its community and economic effect is huge – greater than a second lockdown (many of these Asian countries didn’t even need a first lockdown! – maybe that’s why).
This is a reliable meta- study which concludes…
In the current pandemic, the consensus is growing that public masking should be used in combination with other efforts rather than not at all 1,5,9,82,89,92. Even the cautious and consensus-driven World Health Organization, which initially recommended against masks, now encourages their use in areas of widespread COVID-19 transmission, in light of new information on the disease and the results of large-scale comparative studies.
Lots of good general information on latest Covid-19 knowledge in this report too.
Proper regular handwashing, cleaning surfaces, avoiding touching face, and physical distancing of 2m where possible – and we can go about our business effectively, restart the economy and our face-to-face relationships, while protecting the vulnerable in this new world.
Article of Interest: